<transcy>By Grace Alone (Sola gratia — émerveillé ou blasé par la grâce ?)</transcy>
Does the sovereign grace of God really still amaze you? Or has it become so common for you that you don't notice it anymore?
It is true that I still sing on Sunday “Infinite Grace”, and claim to believe in the “Solas” of the Reformation. But do I as a Christian really understand what happened to me when the grace of God came to touch me? Or, do I take it for granted, something that is owed to me?
Can we not fear that, for many believers, the joy and vitality which flowed when they received the grace of God for conversion have given way to lethargy and the ordinary of a spiritual life? discolored in the present?
The author examines the wonder of divine grace from seven angles, each rooted in deep and rich Bible truth. He also links his reflections with a hymn written by a pastor from Burundi who grabs the sea on the eve of grace.
In this book, Sinclair Ferguson asks a profound question: "If the grace of God no longer marvels me, can I really live in it?" By its very nature, this grace amazes those who taste it, and it amazes those who receive it. Anyone who delves into the Word of God with the author will come out with increased astonishment at the depths of God's grace.
Sinclair Ferguson - A native of Scotland, he recently retired from pastoring in his home country. Yet he continues to preach in many places around the world. He taught theology for many years at Westminster College, USA. He sits on the board of a well-known English-speaking Christian publishing house. Renowned preacher and speaker in the English-speaking world, he is the author of several books, many of which are published in French.
Rich in its biblical style of exposition and its theological depth, '' By Grace Alone '' was composed from a series of powerful messages from one of the greatest preachers of today hui and covering some of the greatest texts of Scripture - all centered on one of the greatest themes of the Bible, which is the infinite grace of God! This book will stimulate your mind, touch your feelings, convince your soul, win your heart, and inspire you to action. It will be used to evangelize, to form disciples and to mature all kinds of readers. Through this book, Sinclair Ferguson invites us to a new feast for our souls, and there is food here for all - saved and unsaved, ministers and laity, young and old.
- Joel R. Beeke
Table of contents
1. Free from my chains at last!
2. Unconditional love
3. On behalf of God
4. A wonderful exchange
5. Guaranteed security
6. Delivered from Evil
7. True freedom
Original title : By Grace Alone
Author : Sinclair B. Ferguson
Publisher : Europresse
Publication : 2019
ISBN : 978-2-914562-99-7
Pages : 181
Dimensions : 5.43 "x 8.5"
Format : paperback
Weight : 228 g
Other books by the same author
Christian lifeDiscovering the will of God
Knowing God in order to worship him
Christ and its benefits