<transcy>Be Loyal - Matthew 1-14 (Soyez dévoués - Matthieu 1-14)</transcy>
Bible Commentary on Matthew 1 to 14
"All this will happen to fulfill the prediction made by the prophet: Say to Jerusalem, to the daughter of Zion: Look , your King comes to you; he is humble, full of meekness ”(Matthew 21: 4-5 - Living Word).
The Gospel according to Matthew presents Jesus Christ as the King who fulfills the prophecies of the Old Testament. This commentary addresses the first 14 chapters: the birth of the Messiah, his person, his power, his instructions and the rebellion of which he is the object. The author develops for us the principles of the kingdom revealed in the Sermon on the Mount and the parables.
“We become children of God through faith in Christ; we are disciples if we follow him faithfully and walk with him ”. W. Wiersbe.
As ambassadors of the King, be devoted to your Lord! In the light of this gospel, learn to love it better and to serve it loyally, in joy as well as in trials.
In addition: questions at the end of the book allow you to deepen your reflection .
Original title : Be Loyal
Author : Warren W. Wiersbe
Publication : 2016
ISBN : 978-2-910246-27-2
Pages : 192
Dimensions : 13 x 21 cm
Format : paperback
Weight : 229 g