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Christ's Call To Reform The Church (eBook) (Un appel à réformer l'Église (eBook))

John MacArthur
by Impact
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As many have said, the Church must be careful to continually improve herself in order to share the gospel as faithfully as possible. The powerful letters of the Risen Christ to the Seven Churches of Revelation guide us towards this goal.

In this book, John MacArthur sets out the text of these letters calling on the Church today to heed God's warnings and to change before they succumb to the kinds of compromises and mistakes that cause the judgment of God.

A call to reform the Church urges us to learn from the mistakes made by God's people in the past so as not to repeat them. The Word of God has many benefits, including revealing our blind spots. This is what this book does - it brings to light issues we never knew existed and encourages us, under the impulse of grace, to seek continual transformation that honors God.

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JOHN MACARTHUR (D. Div., Talbot Theological Seminary) is a pastor-teacher at Grace Community Church, a church in Sun Valley, California. His ministry of preaching by exhibition is unmatched in scope and influence. He is president of The Master’s University and Seminary. He is the author of numerous bestsellers, including The MacArthur Commentaries on the New Testament .

"The 7 churches of Revelation 2 - 3 no longer exist. I myself have seen the ruins of these churches in Turkey. However, in this book, John MacArthur shows us how these churches still reflect the Church today. With his straightforward style and clear language, he convinces us to do an honest review of our churches to see if they are in line with the Word of God and the 5 solas of the Reformation. If the record turns out to be negative, the author simply urges us to repent, just as the Churches of Revelation 2 and 3 must have done, even though it is not a very good practice. popular nowadays. Of course, going against the grain and doing such an exercise will take a lot of courage. "
- JOHN GLASS, pastor-founder of the International Evangelical Church of Geneva; missionary-church planter with Grace Ministries International

“Very often, unfortunately, the letters to the Seven Churches of Asia Minor have been interpreted in an allegorical manner, thus obscuring the real meaning of the messages of the glorified Christ. In this book, John MacArthur examines these letters in their own context and demonstrates that their practical application is exactly the same for us today as it was for the original recipients: true reform of the Church comes through repentance. »
- GILLES DESPINS (Th. D., Ph. D., D. Min.), Academic dean and professor of the ProFAC training program; author of the book The Darby Bible and its history

Table of contents

Preface to the French edition

1. Calling the Church to Repent
2. The Lord’s Work in His Church
3. A Church Without Love: Ephesus
4. A Persecuted Church: Smyrna
5. A Church which compromises itself: Pergamum
6. A Corrupted Church: Thyatira
7. A Dead Church: Sardis
8. A Faithful Church: Philadelphia
9. A Lukewarm Church: Laodicea
10. The need for further reform


Original title : Christ's Call To Reform The Church
Author : John MacArthur
Publisher : Impact Publishing
Publication : September 2020
ISBN : 978-2-89082-391-4
Pages : 233
Format : eBook
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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Dominique Rasoamanana
Un livre à lire absolument

L'appel à la repentance sincère, individuelle et collective est une nécessité à l'heure actuelle. Ce livre, très bien structuré et d'un exposé très clair, nous y convie.
C'est un livre qui mérite d'être lu dans toutes les églises pour redécouvrir l'appel de Christ Lui-même aux 7 églises de l'Asie mineure et qui est aussi valable pour nos églises .