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<transcy>Dangerous Calling (Un appel dangereux)</transcy>

Paul Tripp
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Meeting the challenges of pastoral ministry

After traveling the world and preaching in thousands of churches, Paul David Tripp observed an alarming problem in pastoral culture.
A dangerous call lifts the veil on the environment in which our pastors live. This culture compromises the spiritual health and effectiveness of the local church and its leaders.
This book offers a diagnosis and solutions to problems that disturb the whole Church. It presents proven strategies to support the crucial struggle in which the Church is engaged today.

Browse the first pages


Paul David Tripp is the author of several bestselling books, director of the Paul Tripp Ministries, and CEO of the Center for Pastoral Life and Care in Fort Worth, Texas. He has also taught at several renowned institutions around the world. Paul has written extensively on the Christian life and pastoral ministry, including Whiter Than Snow , What Did You Expect? , Sex and Money , New Morning Mercies .


“A Dangerous Call is a dangerous book that anyone engaged in the ministry should read. Its message will go straight to your heart and arouse in you a deep conviction if you read it with humility and ask God to reveal to you the sins buried deep in your soul. I would like to give a copy to any student who sets foot on this campus. »
- Daniel L. Akin, Director of the Southeastern Baptist Theological

"This book is 'beneficial' just like heart surgery is. It is painful and frightening, and you will be tempted to flee from the truth it presents. Still, it just might save your life. Pastors need this book. "
- Joshua Harris, Senior Pastor at Covenant Life Church in Gaithersburg, Maryland

“My friend Paul Tripp brings the light of the Word of God to the heart of every pastor. Whether you've been in ministry for 20 minutes or for 20 years, I recommend this book to you. Approach it with prayer and passion, and prepare for the change God is about to make in your life, heart, and ministry.
- James MacDonald, senior pastor at Harvest Bible Chapel and author of Vertical Church.

“Before the week ends, we will be new husbands, new fathers and new pastors if we follow Paul Tripp's example. Let us read this book with humility and sincerity: the scribe or the Pharisee in us will then be defused. We will see our need to be delivered from a very dark and destructive force that hinders the work of many pastors: undiagnosed pastoral self-reliance. With great wisdom and conviction, A Dangerous Call preaches the gospel of grace to men who, every Sunday, preach it to all but themselves. " - Eric C. Redmond, associate pastor and professor of theology at the New Canaan Baptist Church and board member of the Gospel Coalition

“Pastoral ministry is a dangerous calling and this book is dangerous. It will transform you for sure. Pastors Need Pastors: Every page of this book will care for the needs of your heart ... even those you didn't know existed. This book will give you both joy and some discomfort. By the grace of God, you will fall to your knees with tears of gratitude. Finally, he will help you lift your head to fix a renewed gaze on Christ. This book is a mirror that redirects the reflection of our hearts to Christ rather than to ourselves. This book, if it were a preaching, would be the most solemn and refreshing of sermons. I sincerely hope that it will be translated into several languages, that it will be a compulsory seminary book, and that it will be distributed worldwide to every Christian called to serve God and others by exercising the gifts the Holy Spirit has given him. granted.
- Burk Parsons, associate pastor at Saint Andrew’s Chapel in Sanford, Florida and publisher of Tabletalk magazine.

“Few men see the role of the pastor as a dangerous calling, and very few are as skilled and insightful as Paul Tripp at seeing the pitfalls and stumbling blocks associated with pastoral ministry. Few can prescribe a cure based in such a way on the gospel and the local church. It’s a great book to read, reread, and practice. »
- Terry Vigo, founder of Newfrontiers.

Table of contents


1 On the road to disaster
2 A history repeating itself
3 A big head full of theology and a sick heart
4 More than knowledge and technique
5 Joints and ligaments
6 The absent community
7 War zones

8 Lassitude
9 Well-kept secrets
10 Mediocrity
11 Already, but not yet

12 Personal Glory
13 Perpetual Preparation
14 The Gap
15 So what to do next?


Author : Tripp, Paul David
Original title : Dangerous Calling: Confronting the Unique Challenges of Pastoral Ministry
​Publisher : Cruciforme
Publication : 2015 
ISBN : 978-2-924110-38-6 < br> Pages : 249
Dimensions : 5.5 '' X 8.5 ''
Weight : 290 g
Format : paperback

Blog articles
Warning from Paul Tripp: the madness of the idolatry of the ministry -
The concrete fruit of wonder for God in the ministry - Return to the Gospel
Closing the gap - Returning to the Gospel
How to regain your wonder - Returning to the Gospel
Closing the gap - Return to the Gospel

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Un appel... à être vigilant

Bien entendu, ce livre s’adresse d’abord aux pasteurs  : il leur donne en effet des pistes de réflexion sur leur vie et leur ministère. Toutefois, il peut se révéler très utile aux membres d’une église qui sont à la recherche d’un berger : il énumère des éléments que l’on devrait retrouver dans le caractère du candidat pressenti et, surtout, il enseigne aux croyants des moyens efficaces pour prendre soin de ceux qui les conduisent.

Un Appel Dangereux

Un appel dangereux est un excellent livre qui met en lumière les différents défis du ministère pastoral.
Plusieurs exemples sont donnés pour guider le lecteur vers des situations à risque afin de l'aider à reconnaître et prévenir ces situations.
Le seul petit "défaut" à mon avis, c'est que les situations se ressemblent en général et j'aurais profité davantage de variété.
Je crois qu'il s'agit d'un ouvrage très intéressant pour tout ceux appelés au ministère.
Tripp donne bon nombre de conseil qui sont utiles et encourageants.

Super livre!

Un appel dangereux est un excellent livre. Il apporte les pasteurs à centrer leur ministère sur Christ et non sur eux-mêmes. Cet ouvrage nous amène à l’humilité. De plus, Tripp raconte de nombreuses histoires vécues par lui et d'autres pasteurs ce qui rend le livre plus personnel et apporte le lecteur à se reconnaître dans certains comportements. Je recommande ce livre à tous ceux qui sont dans le ministère ou qui se dirigent vers cela.