<transcy>A Shepherd Looks at the Good Shepherd and his Sheep (Un berger contemple - Le Bon Berger et ses brebis)</transcy>
After the success of his book on Psalm 23, Phillip Keller develops the theme of the shepherd and his sheep by commenting on the three parables told by Jesus in chapter 10 of the Gospel of John.
The author was himself a shepherd, he devoted all his energy to the well-being of his flock. His experience allows him to bring the reader to know Jesus better as the “Good Shepherd who gives his life for his sheep”.
As you read these pages, consider yourself a sheep of the flock. Follow the Good Shepherd, listen to his voice: you will see how much He takes care of you!
Phillip Keller (1920-2001), has always loved nature and the outdoors. He grew up and lived in East Africa where he was a shepherd, then owner and herder of sheep. This is why his description of the shepherd's life and his knowledge of the sheep are so vivid and relevant. Renowned speaker and author of several bestsellers, his writings have touched men and women of all nationalities.
Table of contents
About the Author
Parable 1 - Christ in me
Chapter 1: The sheepfold
Chapter 2: The entrance of the shepherd
Chapter 3: The voice of the shepherd
Chapter 4: The shepherd brings out his sheep
Chapter 5: The sheep follow him
Chapter 6: They do not follow a stranger
Parable 2 - Me in Christ
Chapter 7: The sheep's door
Chapter 8: Entering into a new life
Chapter 9: The abundant life
Chapter 10: The hireling
Chapter 11: The shepherd knows his sheep and they know him
Chapter 12: One flock, one Shepherd
Chapter 13: Christ gives his life and He takes it back
Parable 3 - Christ in me and I in Christ
Chapter 14: To believe in Christ is to belong to Christ
Chapter 15: Eternal life in the hand of the Good Shepherd
Chapter 16: The Good Shepherd is God!
Author : Keller, Philip
Original title : A Shepherd Looks at the Good Shepherd and his Sheep
Publisher : BLF Éditions
Publication : 1977
ISBN : 978-2-910246-84-6
Dimensions : 13 x 21 cm
Pages : 206
Weight : 236 g
Format : paperback
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Other books from the same collection:
A shepherd meditates ... Psalm 23
A shepherd learns ... The lessons of a sheepdog