<transcy>Living Without Worry (eBook) (Une vie sans inquiétude (eBook))</transcy>
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We are all worried. Worry often takes up too much space in our lives, and it is never welcome. How great would it be if there was a way to worry less, or even not worry at all in difficulties.
If you ever worry, this book is for you. The answers he offers are far from trivial and ordinary, but they get to the heart of the problem. You will learn about the true nature of worry, why it troubles us, and how to replace it with genuine, lasting peace in the midst of life's ups and downs.
TIMOTHY S. LANE (M. Div., D. Min.) is President of the Institute for Pastoral Care. He has over twenty-five years of helping relationship experience, ten of which as a pastor. He is the co-author of the books Really Change: How? and Our Relationships: Complicated Blessings . He has written brochures and many articles on the helping relationship. Tim and his wife, Barbara, live in the United States and have four children.
Tim writes as he preaches: based on the scriptures. We will never be relieved of our worries unless we find Him who is greater than us. He's the one Tim leads us back to constantly in this well-written, easy-to-study book.
- Bob Inglis, Former US Congressman
This is the best book I have read on worries, a most disheartening subject. At first I was worried about whether he would really help me, but as I read I found myself praising the Lord for himself and his works for his people. And the more I praised him, the less anxious I felt.
- Samuel Logan, International Director, The World Reformed Fellowship
In his book, Tim Lane offers a unique combination of knowledge and compassion for the many anxieties of this world, with an emphasis on God, Jesus Christ and eternity. It offers readers a reliable diagnosis of worry and provides a relevant, biblical, heart-centered prescription for replacing anxiety with peace.
- Bob Kellemen, vice president of Institutional Development , Crossroads Bible College and author of Anxiety: Anatomy and Cure
I'm worried. All my efforts to get rid of the worry have failed miserably and made me even more worried. But here's finally a book that helps break that cycle. Tim Lane defines the very nature of worry and why it affects us all. He then gently directs us towards a better way of life, more biblical and filled with the grace of the Gospel. An accessible book, a must-read for anyone wishing to embark on the path of renouncing worry.
- Helen Thorne, Head of Training at the London City Mission and author of Purity is Possible
Timothy Lane deals with our anxiety issues with biblical and personal language. I recommend this enjoyable, yet profound, book to anyone for whom life is difficult in this uncertain world.
- Soak Longman III, professor of Bible studies at Westmont College, Santa Barbara , California
Tim's language is simple, but not simplistic; he uses compassion while forcing us to assume our responsibilities. Whether you are worried or looking to help those who are, this book is for you. You probably won't stop worrying, but you will find ways to understand this feeling and strategies to combat it.
- Richard Underwood, director of pastoral ministries, The Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches
Tim Lane's latest book is a classic! His theology is reliable, imbued with the wisdom, love and grace of God, while being very practical. After a first reading, I reread it, jotting down excerpts to share with friends or as a personal memory aid. We are all worried; Tim empowers us to harness it for our spiritual growth.
- Bob D. Dukes, President and CEO of the Worldwide Discipleship Association and author of Maturity Matters: The Priority and Process for Disciple Building in the Church
Tim Lane demonstrates great pastoral care and an intelligent understanding of the Bible to demonstrate how the scriptures deal with concerns of the heart. This book will be useful in my life and I will recommend it to many people.
- Sally Orwin Lee, Biblical Counseling UK Steering Committee
This book has helped me a lot to understand the origin, causes and effects of worry. It clearly explains how to overcome worry and replace it with peace and trust in God, according to the teachings of the Bible. I don't know anyone who doesn't have any concerns. I pray that God will help you overcome your own as you read this book.
- Clyde Christensen, Indianapolis Colts quarterback coach (2002-2015) and offensive team coordinator Miami Dolphins since 2016
Unlike other Christian books which only exacerbate the problem of worry, this little book is based on grace and helps believers struggling with worry find ways to address them. their trend. It is primarily scriptural, but is open to the knowledge of modern science and offers sound, well-documented, Jesus Christ-centered pastoral wisdom.
- Eric L. Johnson, Professor of Pastoral Studies at the Southern Baptist Theological Semirary and director of the Society for Christian Psychology
Worry is one of the biggest thieves in history. It robs us of our joy, our peace, our relationships and our health. We all know we shouldn't worry, but we do anyway. Timothy Lane tackles the problem head-on with a useful, biblical, and practical approach. Whether you are a little or very anxious, this book gives you the antidote!
- Richard Blackaby, President of Blackaby Ministries International and author of Experiencing God Day by Day < / p>
Are you worried? Then this book is for you! It is not a series of superficial steps to banish anxiety that Tim offers us, but rather reminds us of the whole message of hope from God, to us who live in a world filled with what-if scenarios.
- Philip G. Monroe, professor of counseling and psychology at Biblical Theological Seminary, Pennsylvania
Table of contents
1. Why not worry?
2. What is worry?
3. Worry and the Past (Part 1)
4. Worry and the Past (Part 2)
5. Worry and the future
6. Worry and the Present
7. The Beginning of Change
8. Countering Worry with the Truth
9. Unload all your worries on him
10. Jesus' response
11. Conclusion
Original title : Living Without Worry
Author : Timothy Lane
Publisher : Impact
Publication : February 2019
ISBN : 978-2-89082-370-9
Pages : 160