<transcy>Crazy Busy (audiobook) (Vie de fou (livre audio))</transcy>
** Audiobook in .mp3 format **
Who hasn't already been too busy? It's a reality that catches up with all of us at one point or another in our lives.
We only have to look at our schedules to see how difficult it is for us to lead a balanced life. Yet a completely crazy pace of life is not what God wanted for us when he sent his Son to give us a full taste of life.
Infused with the signature humor and refreshing sincerity of bestselling author Kevin DeYoung, Crazy Life introduces Bible principles that help us better understand the issues of business. It offers relevant advice to discern our priorities and bring about real changes in our lives.
This just little book about a very big problem will help you break the habit of always being too busy.
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Kevin DeYoung is the pastor of Christ Covenant Church in Matthews, North Carolina. He is the author of numerous books, many of which have been translated into French. Kevin and his wife have seven children who keep them very busy.
Table of contents
1. Hello, my name is Busy
2. Here and there, then gone: three dangers to avoid
3. Pride That Kills
4. The dreadful obligation
5. The slippage of the mission
6. The Child King Phenomenon
7. One evil attracts another
8. Cruising speed
9. Bearing the Burdens of Business
10. Something to do at all costs
Author: Kevin DeYoung
Original title: Crazy Busy: A (Mercifully) Short Book about a (Really) Big Problem
Publisher: Impact
ISBN : 9782890824836
Publication : 2017
Format : MP3
Read by : Fernando Gasse