15 essential quotes from the book "Fashioned by God"
“The book of Psalms was the one that most shaped the way of thinking and feeling of the first Christians, more than all the other books of the Bible, in the like the teachings of Jesus and the apostles. "
"The Psalms were originally intended to teach us about God, about human nature, and about life. When we read them, we are meant to learn about these three topics. "
"The Psalms cover all of what God wants to teach us, not just the rules of the Law. The entire book is thus introduced with a call to meditation on the teaching of God. "
"If you read the Psalms purely for their doctrinal content, you are missing out on what they really are: they are Psalms, songs, poems. In short, works of music. "
“More than any other book in the Bible, the Psalms were clearly designed to educate us and to arouse and express our emotions. "
“God indeed watched over their writing and he arranged them in such a way that the Psalms, when fully understood, teach us the truth and help us to experience our emotions of the right way. "
"Reading and chanting the Psalms then comes down to letting our minds and hearts (meaning our thoughts and emotions) be shaped by God. "
"Through the Psalms, we can learn how to think in times of great discouragement and in times of deep regret, and how to experience these two negative feelings in the right way. . "
“We learn to be fathers by watching how God takes care of his children. Conversely, it is in us watching that children learn about the fatherhood of God. "
"Fearing God is not at odds with the act of coming to Jesus: it is the way of coming to him. With reverence, with humility. Without believing that God owes us anything. "
“So try to imagine the Bible without the Psalms. It would make a whole different book, wouldn't it? The Church would be completely changed, and me too! "
“For psalmists God is a solid, unchanging, undeniable and omnipotent reality. They do not deny his person, his power, or his wisdom, for it is the entire sovereignty of God that gives meaning to all their emotions and all the events of their life. "
“In his great mercy and wisdom, God has chosen to give us the Psalms. He placed them precisely at the center of the Bible and it is certainly no accident. "
"The key and finality of the Psalms is Jesus Christ. He is the one who is exalted among all men, in all aspects and at all levels. "
"Where the Psalms ultimately lead us, it is at the end of time: they put a song on our lips while waiting for the moment when our Savior will return and be crowned. by all the nations of the world. "
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