Review of the book `` The fault in our holiness '' (DeYoung)
The flaw in our holiness
by Kevin DeYoung
(Impact, 2014, 173 p.)
When this book came out in English in 2012, I really enjoyed reading it, to see how the author helps us understand a great fundamental biblical principle, but so misunderstood. he does. I am delighted to see that it is now available for French speakers! I hope you will be able to take full advantage of the richness found in this book, small in relation to the number of pages, but immense due to the subject it deals with.
DeYoung us helps to clarify this little or rarely discussed path: holiness! Through the Word of God, he leads us to balance law and grace. In fact, what does holiness mean to us in the reality of our lives as people professing to know Jesus Christ as Savior? Is holiness to agree to exercise abstinence by following a list of things to avoid?
Yet we have the commandments of God that teach us that if we keep them, we know by this that we have known him (1 John 2: 3).
“From beginning to end the Bible is filled with commandments. They do not serve to spoil our relationship with God, but to protect it, seal it and define it ”(p. 46).
The author develops an aspect that I loved a lot and we don't often hear about it: God saved us, not only for his glory and because he loves us, but also for holiness. Yes, God has saved us that we may be holy!
"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ! In him God elected us before the foundation of the world, that we might be holy and blameless before him ”(Ephesians 1: 3,4).
Although this is a rather complex subject , since there are certainly many opinions on this biblical principle, I appreciate how DeYoung opens the door to the scriptures for us and paints a fair picture of holiness as a whole. He said, “To be sure that this is clear, the insistence on the need for holiness should in no way undermine confidence in justification by faith alone. The best theologians and the best theological statements have always emphasized the scandalous nature of the grace of the gospel as well as the indispensable need for holiness. Both faith and good works are necessary. One is the root, the other the fruit. God declares us righteous only because of Christ's credited (imputed) righteousness (2 Cor 5:21). In the sight of God, our innocence is absolutely not dependent on loving gestures or good deeds "(p. 27).
Holiness is much more than obeying rules, and this is what DeYoung clearly demonstrates in this book. The emphasis is on the faith of the believer who desires to follow the commandments of his God out of love and not out of obligation, which prompts him to live a life of holiness as he is called to live it by the power bestowed upon him by the 'Spirit. God gives the will and the doing (Philippians 2.13,14). It is no longer an obligation, but a joy, an honor, an offering pleasing to our God!
I like the way the author makes the subject accessible. He exposes to us justification and sanctification to help us see clearly what God is asking of us: "... just to accomplish what he has set before us. The pursuit of holiness is not a utopian effort to do exactly what Jesus did. It is the struggle to live the life that has already been fulfilled in Christ "(p. 103).
This book deserves our full attention and careful reading It warns us that it is sometimes easy for us to fall from one extreme of the pendulum to the other under the pretext that we have grace:
• live legalistically by doing works to feel more holy;
• live in freedom, no need for nothing do.
One thing is certain, you will be well aligned with the truth of the scriptures thanks to Kevin DeYoung. This book will serve you for years and be a reference tool. It will not remain unnecessary, this is obvious since many Christians are often puzzled at this level. I know that, for my part, I really enjoyed my reading and this book solidified my convictions.
Happy reading!
Ann L. Beaulieu
I received this book free of charge from Publications Chrétiennes. However, this does not impose any obligation on me. I am free to write favorably or not, giving my personal opinion, as I see fit. .