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La Bible permet-elle d’utiliser des psychotropes ? (Edward Welch)

Does the Bible allow the use of psychotropic drugs? (Edward Welch)

This article is taken from the book It's the brain's fault! by Edward Welch

If you ask people in the Church, you will find a wide range of opinions about drugs used in psychiatry. Some will tell you that they are the devil's invention, some will say that they are the answer and others will not think so at all. A more moderate opinion is that while it is not inherently bad to take these drugs, they are seldom the right plan of attack for personal suffering. Instead, it should first be considered whether God can bless us through our suffering and assess the possibility that drugs used in psychiatry may numb us with suffering and deprive us of the benefits inherent in the process. refining that it engages.

Let us note here an interesting point. While it may seem odd or even devoid of love for those who do not share our biblical position, there can be real benefits to faith in being tried and strengthened by trials. / p>

My brethren, regard the various trials to which you may be exposed as a cause of complete joy, knowing that the trial of your faith produces patience. But patience must complete its work perfectly, so that you may be perfect and complete, without failing in anything (Ja 1: 2-4).

One should not always escape suffering. Contrary to the growing American feeling that one has the right to a pain-free existence, almost anyone can provide personal examples of Christian maturity gained primarily through living through the sufferings and hardships of life. Conversely, almost everyone has seen the sad consequences of overprotecting parents or using illicit drugs on young lives artificially kept from suffering. Given these common observations, suffering is not always the enemy we assume it is, and drugs should not be seen as the last resort.

However, there are other things to consider. First, since we know nothing about the degree of suffering of others, we should be cautious about our opinion on drugs. It's easy to underestimate a person's suffering. Second, it should be remembered that in general, relief from suffering is a good thing. Third, since the Bible does not clearly prohibit the taking of these drugs, the question is not whether the drug is biblically lawful or illicit; the question is rather how to make wise and informed decisions.

If you're helping someone, here's one way to think about psychotropic drugs. Focus your attention on what is explicit in the Bible . Bring the pastoral wisdom described in Hebrews 11 and 12. It includes (1) knowing that one is preceded by many of the people of God who have shown strong faith in the midst of terrible suffering (Heb 11 ), (2) witnessing to God's encouragement to fix our eyes on Jesus in the midst of our suffering (Heb 12.2), (3) recognizing and repenting of "the sin that so easily comes over us »(Heb 12.1) and (4) to persevere in suffering (Heb 12.7).

Whether or not a person is taking psychotropic drugs is not the critical question. Scripture is particularly interested in the reason why a person is taking medication or not.It is clear that treatment is never the source of our hope. With these guidelines in mind, everyone has the biblical freedom to try or not to try the drugs used in psychiatry. .

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