Board of Directors appoints new CEO
September 10, 2019
The Board of Directors is pleased to announce that Mr. Serge Côté has been appointed to succeed Douglas Virgint as Director of Publications Chrétiennes, effective September 10, 2019. The Board Research Committee administration had been active for some time, and the Lord unanimously led us to this choice. The board considered that Serge's vision and passion for the ministry of Christian Publications, combined with his experience and evident love for the Lord, his Word and his people, were essential for the coming years of the ministry of Christian Publications. Christian Publications.
For those of you who don't know Serge, here is some information about him. Serge is a native of Granby. He studied printing management at Collège Ahuntsic in Montreal, as well as theology and biblical studies with the ProFAC Theological School. He has immense experience in business management, in addition to being a theologian and a teacher of the Bible much appreciated in various churches in Quebec.
Serge worked for several years as a member, and later as chairman, of the Board of Directors of Publications Chrétiennes. He therefore knows our vision and our ministry very intimately. We are grateful to the Lord for welcoming a new director who demonstrates excellent Christian character and who can use his expertise and knowledge for ministry.
Serge is married to Christine Massé. He is the father of three children and the grandfather of two wonderful granddaughters.
Personal message from Serge Côté
After several years of research and prayers on the part of the Board of Directors of Publications Chrétiennes to find a replacement for our brother Doug Virgint, I dare to respond to this call as Isaiah did a long time ago long time. "I heard the voice of the Lord saying, Whom shall I send, and who shall go for us? I replied: Here I am, send me (Isaiah 6.8).
I move forward by faith in this beautiful ministry that God has entrusted to us knowing that our Heavenly Father remains the true Director. So, long before I gave my answer to the board, I had already answered our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that I accepted this mandate. It is a considerable challenge to succeed Doug Virgint, who has for so long been the head of this important ministry for the world of French-speaking Christian publishing. Fortunately, I can count on a great team to carry out this task. Without this confidence that I can count on the current team, I would never have considered being able to fill this position. I will also be accompanied for several months by our brother Doug, so it is with a lot of confidence in God that I will take over and work to promote sound doctrine through Christian literature in the French-speaking world. Publications Chrétiennes already counts on faithful and solid partners, but we pray in order to consolidate these alliances and even to make them fruitful.
With the help of the Christian Publications team, I wish to follow the same direction as those who founded this work in order to preserve the sound theology which has been a hallmark of this ministry from its very beginnings. Please pray for me and for the Christian Publications ministry.