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Les dix commandements : 10 méditations quotidiennes

The Ten Commandments: 10 Daily Meditations

I nscribed on the cores

Since the Ten Commandments are part of Old Testament Mosaic law, some may think they are outdated and irrelevant. The law, which was written on tablets of stone, is now inscribed on human hearts because of Christ - for his glory.

In the introduction to his book, The Ten Commandments, Kevin DeYoung explains that:

The Ten Commandments should not be ignored. It is important to study and understand them. But of course, it is even more important to obey them. God is not impressed by a careful intellectual analysis which places the Decalogue at the center of the disciple's life. He expects his disciples to actually follow these prescriptions.

Our obedience should be the result of our gratitude to God for his work in Christ. DeYoung continues:

Working hard to keep the Ten Commandments with the wrong motives and for the wrong reasons will inevitably cause us to miss out on a healthy relationship with God. He gave us the commandments for us to obey, not to gain salvation, but because of who we are, The Ten Commandments 26 of who God is, who is with us, where we are and who we are. what he accomplished.

A new email path

Available as a daily email sent straight to your inbox, this free daily meditation will help you understand God's law so that you can rejoice in it as a way to expose your sin and to reveal to you the glories of his grace in Christ.

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