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Voici pourquoi Yanick Ethier recommande la lecture du livre «Faire des disciples»

Here is why Yanick Ethier recommends reading the book "Make disciples"

"Go, make disciples of all the nations [...] and teach them to observe all that I have commanded you" (Mt 28). Let's face it, our wonderful Lord has given us a daunting task to say the least. “All the nations of the earth” would be enough to discourage more than one, but we must also add to this the extraordinary mandate to teach them to observe all that “the man par excellence” has taught us.

Who among us can claim to fully embody the teachings of Christ? We all struggle to live in the light of his wonderful and perfect teachings, and I understand why so many Christians do not dare to embark on the business of making disciples of Jesus Christ. To accept this great mandate, we must lean, by faith, on the master's promise to accompany us with his power every day. And luckily, we can also look to strong teachers who have been discipling for years to learn from their experience.

Mark Dever is one of those pastors who made it their priority to make disciples themselves. For several years now, I have had the privilege of being able to talk to him and the pastors around him. Mark is both an excellent teacher of the Word and a disciple who makes disciples with passion, humility and wisdom. I have been personally involved in discipleship training for many years, and yet I have learned a lot from watching Mark's ministry.

If you are willing to follow Christ, this short book will be very helpful in helping young disciples to follow Jesus in turn. The beauty of this book is that it greatly simplifies the approach, and accompanies us, step by step, in forming disciples. As you read it, you will discover the simplicity and joy of accompanying men and women in their growth in the likeness of Jesus Christ.

I believe that we are all called to invest in the formation of disciples, and I know that this book will equip countless disciples of Jesus Christ for this beautiful mission which has brought us been entrusted.

Yanick Ethier
Pastor, president of SOLA and member
from the TGC Canada Council
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