<transcy>Personal declension and revival of religion in the soul (Le déclin spirituel et son réveil)</transcy>
Many Christians realize that their spiritual experience and vitality has sadly declined. However, they have only a very vague idea of the nature and causes of their condition, and how to get out of it. The kind of penetrating analysis that would help them clarify their thoughts and sharpen their sense of conviction is largely missing from the message we hear in Christian circles today. Such assistance does exist, however, and can be found in a work such as this book by Pastor Winslow.
The author examines and explores areas of life where spiritual decline is occurring. He examines the consequences and, in the final chapters, paints a picture of the Lord who restores and protects his people. It is there that he finds the assurance that the life of God in the souls of his people is indestructible. As low as they fall, the Lord will wake them up.
The passage of a century and a half since this book was originally written has not diminished its value. The Christian will draw from it a great wealth of spiritual perception which will allow him to lift his eyes to the One who called him, and to pick up his pilgrim's staff to advance towards the place of his rest.
Octavius Winslow (1808-1878): He was one of the best known among independent pastors in Britain in the 19th century. He held a pastoral position in several major cities across the country, and was invited to preach one of the messages given at the inauguration of the Metropolitan Tabernacle of Charles Spurgeon. He is also the author of several popular books, unfortunately still not available in French, including a work on L’euvre du Saint-Esprit .
Table of contents
1 The birth of decline in the soul
2 The decline of love
3 The decline of faith
4 The decline in prayer
5 The decline spiritual and doctrinal error
6 On the question of grieving the Holy Spirit
7 The fertile branch and the sterile branch
8 The Lord restores his people
9 The Lord protects his people < / p>
Original title : Personal declension and revival of religion in the soul
Author : Octavius Winslow
Publisher : Europresse
Pages : 220
Weight : 270 g
Publication : 2021
Dimensions : 13.5 x 21.5 cm
ISBN : 9782906287808
Format : paperback