<transcy> Prolegomena On Biblical Hermeneutics and Method (2nd Edition (eBook) (Introduction à l'herméneutique et à la méthode d'étude biblique (eBook) ) </transcy>
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This book explores the four fundamental pillars that support biblical theology. The author provides guidance on how to study and understand the Bible, while presenting other approaches used throughout history.
Dr. r Christopher Cone is Director of Studies and Research Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies at Southern California Seminary . He was previously the president of Tyndale Theological Seminary in Hurst, Texas, and has also held various teaching positions in a few Bible schools in the United States.
Christopher Cone is the author of several books. He regularly publishes articles on his website www.drcone.com .
Table of contents
Definitions in Biblical Theology
The Purpose of Biblical Theology
Biblical theology as a foundation for philosophy
Biblical theology as a foundation for science
Biblical theology as a vision of the world
Biblical theology as an epistemology
PILLAR # 1 - The existence of the biblical God
Personal or impersonal
Rational or rationalism
Absolutism or relativism
PILLAR # 2 - the authority of revelation that God gives of himself to man
Biblical criticism
PILLAR # 3 - The inability of the natural man to understand the revelation of God
The usefulness of language
The noetic effects of sin
The work of Father, of the Son, and of the Spirit
PILLAR # 4 - A Coherent Hermeneutics
Outcome # 1: Submission to the authority of Scripture
Outcome # 2: Recognition of cumulative revelation
Outcome # 3: Awareness of Doxological Centrality
Outcome # 4: A Dispensational Normative Conclusion
Outcome # 5: A Clear Distinction Between Israel and the Church
The Biblical Hermeneutic Method
A Brief History of hermeneutical method
Basic contemporary approaches to hermeneutics
Postmodernism: probability and cultural response
Evolutionary / redemptive
Mysticism or spiritualization
Genre or literary form
Other considerations
Literal grammatical-historical
Basic interpretation process
The exegetical approach: the basis of biblical theology e
Overview of biblical theology by the synthetic approach
Overview of biblical theology by the systematic approach
Original title : Prolegomena On Biblical Hermeneutics and Method (2nd Edition)
Author : Christopher Cone
Publisher : Impact
ISBN : 978-2-89082-417-1
Publication : 2015
Pages : 268
Format : eBook