<transcy>He spoke in parables (Les paraboles de Jésus)</transcy>
As long as the world lasts, Jesus' parables will continue to call on man to come to the Savior in repentance and faith.
In their simplicity, shines with force the invitation of grace to come to God in repentance, faith and reconciliation by the new way which is opened by Jesus Christ who gave these same accounts long ago.
In this contemporary perspective, the author seeks to capture this essential simplicity of parables. With touches of remarkable sensitivity, it allows them to live today, to envelop us and to touch the heart with force and with inevitable clarity.
Above all, these stories depict the coming, the nature, the identity and the perfection of this work of which God is the author - his kingdom, a tiny seed at the beginning which becomes a huge tree, a small stone which ends to fill the earth.
But, according to Jesus, the parables have a mysterious aspect. In fact, they hide the terms of salvation for one whose mind and heart are not lighted by the Spirit of God. He thinks he understands them, but it is only according to the flesh; therefore he does not derive any spiritual and lasting good from it. This is why it behooves everyone to come and beg the author of the parables to cover them with the anointing of his Spirit.
Gordon Keddie - Originally Scottish, he studied at the universities of Aberdeen and Edinburgh, and then in seminaries in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh for pastoral ministry. Pastor for several decades, he retired in 2014, however continuing to exercise an active ministry through the printed page. Several of his books are published in French by Europresse.
Table of contents
Part 1 - The Nature of the Kingdom
1. Secrets of the Kingdom - The Purpose of the Parables (Matthew 13: 10-17)
2. The message of the kingdom - the sower (Matthew 13: 1-9,18-23)
3. The two seeds in the field - the tares and the good grain (Matthew 13: 25-30,36-43)
4. The Growth of the Kingdom - the mustard seed and the leaven (Matthew 13: 31-33)
5. The value of the kingdom - the treasure in the field and the pearl of great price (Matthew 13: 44-46)
6. The Kingdom Ministry - The Parable of the Net (Matthew 13: 47-52)
Part 2 - Marks of the life of the kingdom
7. Forgiveness - the merciless debtor (Matthew 18: 21-35)
8. Caring for Others - the Good Samaritan (Luke 10: 25-37)
9. Attitude in Prayer - the Inconvenient Friend (Luke 11: 5-13)
10. Rich before God - the rich fool (Luke 12: 13-21)
11. Fertility - the barren fig tree (Luke 13: 1-9)
12. Humility - the pretentious guest and the best seats (Luke 14: 7-11)
13. Reconciled with God - the great meal (Luke 14: 15-24)
14. In Search of Lost Men - The Lost Sheep and Coin (Luke 15: 1-10)
15. Welcoming the Lost Son - the Prodigal Son (Luke 15: 11-32)
16. Consecration - the unfaithful steward (Luke 16: 1-15)
17. Listening to the Word - the Rich Man and Lazarus (Luke 16: 19-31)
18. Obedient Service - The Obedient Servant (Luke 17: 7-10)
19. Perseverance - the importunate widow and the unrighteous judge (Luke 18: 1-8)
20. The right attitude - the Pharisee and the tax collector (Luke 18: 9-14)
Part Three - The Fullness of the Kingdom of God
21. The last and the first - the workers in the vineyard (Matthew 19:27 - 20:16)
22. Live for the Lord - the ten minas (Luke 19: 11-27)
23. Christ our cornerstone - the two wicked sons and vine growers (Matthew 21: 23-46)
24. Many called but few chosen - the wedding feast (Matthew 22: 1-14)
25. The expectation of Christ's return - the ten virgins (Matthew 25: 1-13)
26. Working for the Return of Christ - the Talents (Matthew 25: 14-30)
27. The Last Judgment - the sheep and the goats (Matthew 25: 31-46)
Original title : He spoke in parables
Author : Gordon Keddie
Publisher : Europresse
Publication : October 2020
ISBN : 978-2-914562-76-8
Pages : 279
Dimensions : 5.43 "x 8.5"
Format : paperback
Weight : 334 g