<transcy>Dear Henri ... letters to my nephew (Cher Henri...lettres à mon neveu) </transcy>
A young Christian on the assault on the new life he received in Christ; what a challenge! There are many challenges, obstacles and questions. In this friendly correspondence, Uncle Jacques accompanies Henri, his nephew, to discover all that makes up the believer’s heritage. With latent humor and great sensitivity, this elder in the faith guides his younger brother to enable him to experience a fulfilling Christian life filled with spiritual blessings. By this step he also warns him against the dangers that lurk in places in order to ensure his foot in the path of truth.
Table of contents
1 To God alone the glory
2 Free, but slave
3 Unconditional
4 All the redeemed of God
5 The grace of God is invincible
6 Perseverance and presumption < br> 7 The God of all grace
Author : John Legg
Editor : Europresse
Pages : 119
Weight : 165 g
Publication : 2001
Dimensions : 13.5 x 21.5 cm
ISBN : 9782914562027
Format : paperback