<transcy>Knowing god (Connaître Dieu) </transcy>
Who is God? Can we know him? Should we make an effort to know him?
"Do not listen to those who say that there is no means of access to the knowledge of God, says the author to us, come with me a bit of the road ... to see .
Yet he does not encourage his readers to engage in a theoretical study of the doctrine of God. Our knowledge of God will decisively determine how we live.
We are on the wrong track if we try to live in the world without knowing who created it and who is its master. To neglect the study of God is to condemn yourself to walk in life stumbling, groping, blindfolded, without being able to orient yourself. This is how you can waste your life and lose your soul.
The author defends and reaffirms many great biblical themes ... he illuminates every doctrine he deals with and presents it logically, and with courage, lucidity and warmth ... the truth he deals with ignites the heart. Anyway, it set mine on fire and made me slow down to worship God and pray.
John Stott
Table of contents
- Foreword
Part 1: Knowing the Lord
- Studying God
- Those who know their God
- Know and be known
- The one true God
- God Incarnate
- He will be my witness
Part two: Here is your God!
- A God who does not change
- The majesty of God
- God only wise
- God's wisdom and ours
- Your word is the truth
- The love of God
- The grace of God
- God: the judge
- The wrath of God
- Kindness and severity
- A jealous God
Part Three: If God is for us ...
- The heart of the Gospel
- Son of God
- You are our guide
- These internal struggles
- The all-sufficiency of God
Publisher : Grace and Truth
Publication : 1994
Weight : 410 g
Dimensions : 14 x 21 x 1.6 centimeters
ISBN : 9782853310475