<transcy>The victory of the lamb (La victoire de l'Agneau)</transcy>
In this comprehensive book, the author traces the origins of the millennial conflict between Satan and God that culminates in Golgotha. It shows what are the stakes and the mechanisms of this war between the Creator and the powers of evil. But he consistently does so in terms of the devil's defeat and Christ's complete victory.
A book that examines how evil rebellion and its consequences through the fall of man ultimately serve the sovereign purpose of the God of grace. Christ's victory has never been in doubt. Moreover, its fruits and consequences surpass the lost paradise as much as the Lord is in control of all things.
The author gives us, among other things, an insightful and revealing analysis of the Lord's temptation in the desert. Finally, he paints a marvelous picture of Christ's final victory when he presents to his Father this glorious, pure and spotless Church, for which he gave his life.
A victory of great value, certainly, but which was accomplished at great cost, for it is the victory of the Lamb slain .
Frederick Leahy is Professor of Systematic Theology and Christian Ethics, and Principal of the Reformed Theological College, Belfast. He has published several books, including Satan, Vanquished and Cast Out , and often contributes to articles in Christian magazines.
Table of contents
1 The kingdom of creation
2 The dark banner of rebellion
3 The announcement of victory
4 A merciless struggle
5 The confrontation of adversaries < br> 6 Accepting the challenge
7 The sieve: satanic and divine
8 The victory won
9 The woman and the great dragon
10 The consequences of Christ's victory
11 Victor Emmanuel
Original title : The victory of the lamb
Author : Frederick Leahy
Publisher : Europresse
Pages : 160
Weight : 205 g
Publication : 2003
Dimensions : 13 , 5 x 21.5 cm
ISBN : 9782914562126
Format : paperback