<transcy>Election, Love Before Time (Aimés de toute éternité) </transcy>
It seems that many people today, especially in Christian circles, are afraid of the word "election" and the doctrine associated with it. We don't like to talk about it, thinking the topic is sure to cause disagreement and division. We prefer to relegate the doctrine of election to the realm of dry, boring things that only dusty theologians revel in.
Yet this truth is both very biblical and it lies at the heart of the salvation that God accomplishes in Christ. It does not only concern the theologian, but also the mother of the family, the evangelist, the worker, the young high school student and the retiree. In short, it concerns us all. In fact, it is not wrong to say that one cannot truly understand the gospel of salvation without understanding it, at least in broad outline.
However, we must admit that it raises questions:
- Does God wait for my good will before saving me, or has he decided everything in advance?
- If the elect will surely come to God, what is the point of evangelizing?
This book answers such questions and many more. We see how, far from coming from the reasoning of man, election permeates every page of the Bible, the Word of God. God saves in a sovereign way, without being subject to any condition or interference external to him.
This is the God of the Bible, and it is by his grace alone that he grants salvation in his Son Jesus to those who do not deserve it, those whom he has loved from all eternity.
Table of contents
- Foreword
- Something is wrong!
- The question and the answer: Romans 9
- God forges all the links
- The will of man does not explain his conversion
- The courage and authority of preaching
- Is it really important, and why?
- How to find the chosen ones
- How to recognize the chosen ones
- Jesus and the election
- Reconciliation or compatibility?
- Why insist?
Original title : Election, Love Before Time
Author : Kenneth Johns
Publisher : Europresse
ISBN : 978-2-914562-83-6
Pages : 144
Weight : 182 g
Publication : 2008
Dimensions : 5.43 "x 8.5"
Format : paperback
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