<transcy>The MacArthur New Testament Commentary - Revelation 12-22 (Apocalypse(Tome 2))</transcy>
Chapters 12-22
The book of Revelation reveals a great number of divine truths. But above all, it reveals the majesty and glory of the Lord Jesus Christ. God has given a detailed and precise account of the end times. John MacArthur develops the futuristic approach that leads to seeing in chapters 4 to 22 predictions about people and events whose existence is yet to come. This approach does full justice to the fact that the book of Revelation claims to be prophetic.
Table of contents
1. The War of All Times - Part 1: The Interlude
2. The War of All Times - Part 2: The War in Heaven
3. The War of All Time - Part Three: The War on Earth
4. The Beast That Rises from the Sea
5. The Last False Prophet
6. The Triumphant Saints
7. Angelic messengers
8. Happy are the dead now
9. The Last Harvest of the Earth
10. The Temple of the Curse
11. The Seven Last Plagues
12. The destruction of the last world religion
13. Babylon Has Fallen
14. Heavenly Hallelujahs
15. The Glorious Return of Jesus Christ
16. The Coming Earthly Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ
17. The last day of man before the tribunal of God
18. A New Heaven and a New Earth
19. The capital of the sky
20. The believer's immediate reaction to the imminent return of Christ
21. God's last invitation
Greek word index
Hebrew word index
Biblical reference index
Subject index
Author : John MacArthur
Original title : The MacArthur New Testament Commentary - Revelation 12-22
ISBN : 978-2-89082-094-4
Publication : 2005
Pages : 450
Dimensions : 5.4 "x 8.3"
Format : paperback
Weight : 540 g