<transcy>She's mine ... I bought her back (Elle est à moi... je l'ai rachetée) </transcy>
For whom did Christ die? What exactly did Jesus accomplish on the cross at Golgotha? Many believers will not pay much attention to these questions, the answers seem so obvious to them. However, it must be recognized that this is far from the case and that the explanations that are given are both multiple and very divergent.
Now, the subject is important. It deeply affects many areas of life. It will influence the way we seek and obtain salvation, the way we announce it and, above all, the way we experience it in everyday life. Throughout its history, the Church of Christ has experienced great strength and a conquering spirit when the biblical message on the matter was put back on the agenda.
This is what the perpetrator does and targets. With frankness and courage, as well as strength and respect, it draws its foundation from the Word of God and examines the teachings which, although widespread among Christians, ultimately lead to unbiblical positions.
A book capable of leading the Christian to seize for his life all the dynamics contained in the victorious death of Christ on Calvary.
César Malan (1787-1864): Long pastor of the Church of the Witness in Geneva, he was a prolific author, a recognized theologian and a tireless evangelist. His work took him across much of the European continent. He was also the author and composer of many hymns, many of which are still famous today.
Table of contents
Biographical sketch
1 For whom did Jesus Christ die?
2 Main passages cited by universalism
Did Jesus take away the sin of the world?
B Was Jesus slain for the world?
C What do the words “we” and “all” mean?
D The death of Does Christ parallel that in Adam?
E Can the Savior's redeemed finally perish?
3 Man's Responsibility
Author : César Malan
Publisher: Europresse
Pages : 144
Weight : 185 g
Publication : 1998
Dimensions : 13.5 x 21.5 cm
ISBN : 9782906287853
Format : paperback