<transcy>Instruments in the hands of the Redeemer (Instruments entre les mains du Rédempteur) </transcy>
We might be relieved if we learned that God has given competent specialists the task of advancing us in sanctification, but He decided otherwise. Indeed, the Church strives towards maturity in Christ through the exercise of the ministry of all its members, to one another.
Paul David Tripp helps us discover areas where change is needed in our own lives and in those of those around us. Following Jesus' example, Paul Tripp teaches us how to get to know others better and tell them the truth with love.
Paul D. Tripp, M. Div., D. Min., Is president of Paul Tripp Ministries, whose mission is to connect the transformative force of Jesus Christ to everyday life. This goal leads him to travel the world as a speaker. Paul is also a member of the pastoral team at Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia. He teaches pastoral life at Redeemer Seminary in Dallas, Texas, and is executive director of the Center for Pastoral Life and Care. Paul is a renowned author who has written several books on the Christian life. He and his wife Luella have four children.Recommendations
“This book offers great help, for ourselves and for others. He gives us hope, since grace makes change possible. It shows us the biblical path that produces such a change. »
"The old saying goes, 'God strikes forehands with bent sticks.' Despite our weaknesses, God desires to use us to help others change. The more you apply the Bible principles explained in this book, the more you will become a useful instrument in His mighty hands. »
“Paul David Tripp is a skilled and conscientious physician of the heart. He is endowed with both a compassionate heart and a scriptural mind. This book is a great ally for pastors and counselors. He guides anyone who desires to bring real help to those around him - accessible healing through the redemptive work of Christ. »
“An important reminder that everyone who belongs to Jesus can help others. God gave us to each other! This book is useful and filled with wisdom. It will change your life and the life of the Church. Read it ! You will not regret it. »
Table of contents
Preface1. Best News: A Reason To Get Up In The Morning
2. In the Hands of the Redeemer
3. Do We Really Need Help?
4. The heart is the target
5. Understanding the Struggles of the Heart
6. Follow the Admirable Advisor
7. Building Relationships by Entering Other People's Universes
8. Building Relationships By Identifying Us With Suffering
9. Getting to know people
10. Discover the areas where change is needed
11. What are the purposes of telling the truth with love?
12. The Process of Speaking the Truth with Love
13. Develop an action plan and clarify responsibilities
14. Strengthening Identity in Christ and Establishing a System of Accountability
Appendix 1: Dispelling Blindness: Another Look at Data Collection
Appendix 2: Qualities the Counselor Must Develop to Perform Data Collection Data
Appendix 3: Strategies for Data Collection
Appendix 4: Doctrines Inspiring Practical Exercises
Appendix 5: Practical Exercises Related to the Four Steps of Counseling
Original title : Instruments in the Redeemer's HandsAuthor : Paul David Tripp
Publisher : Impact
Publication : April 2017
ISBN : 978-2-89082-289-4
Pages : 504
Weight : 600 g
Format : paperback
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