<transcy>Delight for a Wretched Man (Je veux être saint, mais...) </transcy>
Chapter 7 of Paul's Epistle to the Romans is one of the most memorable passages in the apostle's writings. In it he vividly expresses man's moral struggle against imperfection and his inability to attain the level of perfection towards which his being strives. It is a passage that contains the famous cry of the heart:
“Wretch that I am!
Who will deliver me from this body of death?”
But who is the "miserable" man who hints at this terrible complaint? What is he looking for? Is this Paul? If so, is he talking about himself as a Christian, or is he referring to the days before his conversion? If these are the words of a genuine child of God, how does such an expression of defeat and frustration fit with the victory emphasis of chapter 8 of the epistle?
Our answers to these questions will have a very real influence on our understanding of the doctrine of sanctification, as well as on our lives. In this book, the author examines the various interpretations of Romans 7 adopted by ancient and modern Christian leaders. It assesses various perspectives in light of the biblical context. He finally concludes that a correct understanding of this passage has important practical implications for growth in grace, both in the life of the individual believer and in that of the Church as a family of God's people.
Benjamin Clark - Irish by birth, he studied at Union College in Belfast and at the University of London. He obtained his master's degree in theology in Aix-en-Provence. He held pastoral positions in Switzerland, Northern Ireland and served for a time as General Secretary of GBU in Italy. After pastoring an evangelical assembly in central England, he spent an active retirement in north-eastern France
Table of contents
1. To set the scene
2. Romans - the triumph of grace
3. A Conflict Caused by the Spirit
4. A paraphrase of Romans 7: 14-25
5. Important principles of sanctification
Appendices - evaluation of other points of view
1. Miserable because unbeliever
2. The Carnal Christian
3. Karl Barth and the liberal approach
Original title : Delight for a Wretched Man
Author : Benjamin Clark
Publisher : Europresse
Publication : 2005
ISBN : 978-2-914562-22-5
Pages : 174
Dimensions : 5.43 "x 8.5"
Format : paperback
Weight : 216 g