<transcy>ADD: Wandering Minds and Wired Bodies (pack of 5) (Le trouble déficitaire de l'attention (TDA) (pack de 5))</transcy>
Distraction, hyperactivity, impulsivity. A diagnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder can explain the difficulties you and your child are going through, but it cannot change difficult behavior. However, you can be assured that profound change is possible with God's help.
Edward T. Welch reveals the truth about ADD to us by explaining its physical and spiritual dimensions and by leading those affected by it to understand the transformative power of Jesus Christ. It highlights the often overlooked spiritual side of ADD and opens parents' eyes to the powerful gospel hope that can change their child's life. The author concludes by offering practical advice for parents and anyone who is having difficulty intervening effectively with their child.
EDWARD T. WELCH (M.Div., Ph.D.) is a graduate psychologist and teaching member of the Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation (CCEF), established nearly fifty years ago with the aim of educating to the helping relationship and to provide psychological and pastoral support rooted in the Bible. A counselor for over twenty-five years, he has authored books on addictions, fear and anxiety.
Original title : ADD: Wandering Minds and Wired Bodies
Author : Edward T. Welch
Publisher : Impact
ISBN : 978-2-89082-301-3
Pages : 24
Publication : June 2017
Format : stapled binding
Dimensions : 4.25 "x 7.5"
Weight : 126 g