<transcy>Major Points from the Minor Prophets (Les grands points des petits prophètes)</transcy>
Many people find the books of little prophets difficult. This is why this section of the Word of God is often part of what the author calls the "proper" pages of our bible.
These men lived a very long time ago - it's hard to even place them in history. How can you even remember the order of their books? They write in an unusual style, with "prophetic" phrases and expressions that are virtually incomprehensible today. Their message seems very harsh and filled with condemnations and curses. In addition, it is difficult to make the connection between their prophecies and the gospel of salvation by grace.
It is the awareness of such thoughts that prompts the author to write this book. It does not offer a technical and exhaustive treatment of the little prophets. Although he is familiar with the details of these prophecies, he invites his reader to a discovery of twelve books which belong to the Word of God. He does this by centering his presentation of each prophet around a "great point" that connects him to God's great plan of salvation.
The author places each prophet in its historical context. He presents and explains the main lines of his message and places his prophecy in the great theological fresco of God's redemptive purpose which culminates in Christ and his union with his people.
In doing so, John Blanchard is a welcome aid to the believer in his understanding of God's revelation and the general message of the gospel. He also helps those who are called to teach in the Church by allowing them to direct their gaze to an often unrecognized part of the Word of God.
John Blanchard - Originally from the island of Guernsey, he spent 13 years in public service before he answered God's call. A world-renowned evangelist, he has traveled the world to bring the gospel. He is the author of countless books, including "Learn & Live Christ", "Where Did The Hell Go?", "My First Bible Study". He has also published several brochures for the presentation and defense of the faith: “Where is God when nothing is right?”, “Where are you going after?”, “Has Jesus really risen?”. Its evangelistic pamphlet "Fundamental Questions" is published in tens of millions of copies in some 60 languages around the world.
Table of contents
Who are the little prophets?
Why “little” prophets?
When and where did they live?
What was their ministry?
What message Do the Prophets Bring?
Original title : Major Points from the Minor Prophets
Author : John Blanchard
Publisher : Europresse
Publication : May 2019
ISBN : 978-2-914562-95-9
Pages : 318
Dimensions : 5.43 "x 8.5"
Format : paperback
Weight : 394 g
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