<transcy>A memoir of Madame Feller (Les mémoires de Madame Feller)</transcy>
Our Churches in Quebec were founded by women and men of God who paid a great price.
Here is the story of one of these pioneers, Henriette Feller, a Swiss woman who came to Quebec in 1835 to proclaim the Gospel of the grace of God.
She has known persecution, discouragement, difficulties of all kinds, but her perseverance and the quality of her spiritual life have made her a real inspiration for believers today.
We evangelicals of the 21 th century in Quebec, too often ignore the history of our origins. So here is a book that you absolutely must read.
Original title : A memoir of Madame Feller: with an account of the origin and
progress of the Grande Ligne mission
Author : JM Cramp
Publisher : Impact
ISBN : 978-2-89082-144-6
Dimensions : 5.5 "x 8.5"
Release : 2012
Weight : 350 g