<transcy>Read Mark Learn (Ma première étude de la Bible)</transcy>
Nothing is more important to the new Christian than to begin regular Bible reading. It is the living and everlasting Word of God. Under the action of the Holy Spirit, she acts with power in the life of the child of God. It allows us to better understand God and his purpose. It makes people grow in the grace of salvation. It strengthens in the face of temptation and for a life worthy of the gospel.
But this reading should not fall into a routine devoid of reflection. Rather, it is a meeting place where the child of God studies and learns about the many facets of the wonderful grace that God has bestowed on him in Jesus Christ.
This book is specially designed to accompany this "journey of life". It presents the gospel according to Mark in forty-five readings with a few notes on each passage to guide the reader in this gripping account of the life of Christ on earth.
A welcome help for the young Christian at the beginning of his journey. A simple tool that offers the necessary dynamics for a treat that will accompany him throughout his life.
John Blanchard - Originally from the island of Jersey, he spent 13 years in public service in Guernsey before he answered God's call. Since becoming a world-renowned evangelist, he has traveled the world to bring the gospel. He is the author of numerous books, including “ Learning and Living Christ ”, a manual for teaching the basics of the Christian faith, and “ Fundamental Questions ”, a booklet evangelization published in more than 30 million copies in forty languages.
Table of contents
Mark 1: 1-11 Forgiven! Day 1
Mark 1: 12-28 Three precious possessions Day 2
Mark 1: 29-45 What a Savior! Day 3
Mark 2: 1-12 Faith in action! Day 4 - Mark 2: 13-28 Onward! Day 5
Mark 3: 1-19 For or against? Day 6
Mark 3: 20-35 The litmus test Day 7
Mark 4: 1-20 Listening to the Word Day 8
Mark 4: 21-24 The others! Day 9
Mark 4: 35-41 The authority of Christ - 1 Day 10
Mark 5: 1-20 The authority of Christ - 2 Day 11
Mark 5: 21-43 The authority of Christ - 3 Day 12
Mark 6: 1-13 The price of refusal Day 13
Mark 6: 14-29 The price of sin Day 14
Mark 6: 30-44 The bread of life Day 15
Mark 6: 45-56 God with us Day 16
Mark 7: 1-23 Ritual or reality? Day 17
Mark 7: 24-37 Good news for everyone! Day 18
Mark 8: 1-21 What is your concern? Day 19
Mark 8:22 - 9:10 "The Christ" - 1 Day 20
Mark 9: 2-13 "The Christ" - 2 Day 21
Mark 9: 14-32 Return to the reality! Day 22
Mark 9: 33-50 Two secrets Day 23
Mark 10: 1-16 Two permanent realities Day 24
Mark 10: 17-31 The danger of "goods" Day 25
Mark 10: 32-45 On the road to Jerusalem Day 26
Mark 10: 46-52 Jesus heals perfectly Day 27
Mark 11: 1-19 When Jesus comes Day 28
Mark 11: 20-26 What is missing he? Day 29
Mark 11:27 - 12:12 The Master - 1 Day 30
Mark 12: 13-27 The Master - 2 Day 31
Mark 12: 28-44 The Master - 3 Day 32 < br> Mark 13: 1-13 The return of Christ - 1 Day 33
Mark 13: 14-27 The return of Christ - 2 Day 34
Mark 13: 28-37 The return of Christ - 3 Day 35
Mark 14: 1-16 The clouds are gathering Day 36
Mark 14: 17-31 The Lord's Supper Day 37
Mark 14: 32-52 Gethsemne Day 38
Mark 15: 3- 72 The trials - 1 Day 39
Mark 15: 1-15 The trials - 2 Day 40
Mark 15: 16-28 The cross - 1 Day 41
Mark 15: 29-39 The cross - 2 Day 42
Mark 15: 40-47 The cross - 3 Day 43
Mark 16: 1-8 He is risen! Day 44
Mark 16: 9-20 The Lord reigns Day 45
Original title : Read Mark Learn
Author : John Blanchard
Publisher : Europresse
Publication : July 2018
Pages : 105
ISBN : 978-2-914562-44-7
Format : paperback
Weight : 138 g
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