<transcy>Relationships: A Mess Worth Making (eBook) (Nos relations : des bénédictions compliquées (eBook))</transcy>
Paul Tripp
by Impact
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Your best friend is suddenly distant. Your spouse keeps complaining about your bad habits. Your son refuses to speak to you. What to do ? We are tempted to run away, but must recognize that God uses these complicated relationships to teach us to love and to receive love.Impossible ? Unrealistic? In Our Relationships: Complicated Blessings , Tim Lane and Paul Tripp show us how to approach the lingering challenges that plague many relationships. They reveal to us the underlying issues driving our responses, choices, and behavior, while also showing us how God intervenes to help us build relationships that are fully in accordance with His will.
“This book is not another simplistic relationship manual, offering theoretical methods and procedures for replicating what another claims to be the ideal relationship. Rather, Tim Lane and Paul Tripp introduce us to the crucified Christ - the power and wisdom of God to redeem our relationships and radically transform many families and friendships ... ”- Bob Inglis, US House of Representatives Member
"Paul Tripp and Tim Lane Use Deep Christ-Centered Thinking and Years of Helping Experience to Give Back hope and offer concrete answers to people living in less than perfect relationships. »
- Elyse Fitzpatrick, Women Helping Women
Table of contents
1. The Shortest and Most Important Chapter of this Book
2. What is the point?
3. No choice
4. Sin
5. Intentions
6. Worship
7. Communication
8. Obstacles
9. Forgiveness
10. Hope
11. Burdens
12. Mercy
13. Time and money
14. Help
15. The call
Authors : Timothy S. Lane and Paul David Tripp
Original title : Relationships: A Mess Worth Making
Publisher : Impact
Publication : June 2017
ISBN : 978-2-89082-297-9
Pages : 257
Format : eBook