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<transcy>Biblical Doctrine (Théologie systématique (MacArthur))</transcy>

John MacArthur
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The study of biblical doctrine should not be reserved for theologians. It is important for all Christians as it teaches us who God is and how we should live.

This overview of fundamental Christian doctrines (a systematization of solid theology that for decades supported John MacArthur's preaching ministry) covers topics such as God the Father, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit , the Bible, salvation, etc.

Its comprehensive content, though written for the average reader (non-technical vocabulary, few footnotes, and a handy bibliography), provides Christians with a solid foundation for what they believe and why.

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John MacArthur's ministry has had a global impact. In this book, MacArthur and Mayhue make clear the doctrines that lie at the heart of this ministry that has reached such a wide audience. We have a ministry here built on the truth, the truth of the Word of God, and the truth of the gospel. Valuable material for students, pastors, and teachers.
–THOMAS R. SCHREINER, Professor of New Testament Interpretation and Professor of Biblical Theology, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

This new reference work is a rich and solid exposition of the theological foundations of Christianity providing readers with an orderly, accessible and convincing presentation of biblical truth. As the last vestiges of Christian influence fade in the West, precious theological works like this will edify and strengthen the Church as she faces the world's fierce opposition.
- R. ALBERT MOHLER, SON, President, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

In his ministry, John MacArthur has always emphasized preaching, revealing the truth of God by preaching the Word of God. His ministry has always been based on the doctrine carefully and systematically deduced from the Bible. If his thousands of textual sermons prove his fidelity to the task of preacher, this work proves his fidelity to the task of theologian.
- TIM CHALLIES, blogger, author of the book Visual theology

This book is the result of a life of study and wisdom gathered over centuries. Combining devotion to Scripture and dedication to biblical doctrine, it responds to a great contemporary need. Strong doctrines give birth to strong churches. It is not necessary to agree with the esteemed authors on all the topics covered in this rich and enduring volume to express them deep gratitude.
–Iain H Murray, author, Jonathan Edwards: A New Biography and Evangelical Holiness ; Founding Director, Banner of Truth Trust

It is with unreserved joy that I wholeheartedly recommend this work by John MacArthur and Richard Mayhue. He will be greatly appreciated for the clarity of his outline and his description of the doctrines of the Bible. It is too important to be overlooked.
–Walter C. Kaiser, President Emeritus and Old Testament Professor Emeritus, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

Not only do MacArthur and Mayhue present an Orthodox theology common to all historical Protestants, they also defend an unusual set of views that are debated among evangelicals, such as the creationism of a young land, the Calvinist soteriology, credobaptism, the politics of elders government, complementarism, cessationism, and traditional dispensationalism (or what they call futuristic premillennialism). They talk about it in a clear and orderly way, and it's worth getting into their discussion even if you don't share their opinion.
–Andrew David Naselli, Assistant Professor of New Testament and Biblical Theology, Bethlehem College & Seminary, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Clarity should be an essential condition imposed on works of systematic theology. And that's precisely what this one offers! A comprehensive summary of everything a Christian needs to know - this is a book every Christian should have on hand, right? Additionally, it is written by John MacArthur, a name that epitomizes orthodoxy and truth. This is sufficient. The book speaks for itself.
–Derek W. H. Thomas, Senior Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, South Carolina; professor of systematic and pastoral theology, Reformed Theological Seminary, Atlanta; dean of the doctoral program in ministry, Ligonier Academy

This work by John MacArthur, the world-famous pastor, is a lifelong work of preaching from the same pulpit for nearly fifty years. Week after week, decade after decade, he probed the depths of the biblical text and linked its truths together to arrive at this well-structured theological body. This book, the jewel in the crown of this brilliant pastor and author, will make the truth of Scripture shine even more in our eyes.
–Steven J. Lawson, director of the doctoral training program and professor of homiletics, The Master's Seminary; president and founder of OnePassion Ministries; author of The Kind of Preaching God Blesses and The Heroic Boldness of Martin Luther

For decades, John MacArthur has set the example of textual preaching, clearly presenting the Word of God to the people of God. Today, in collaboration with Richard Mayhue and the faculty of the Masters Seminary, he offers a systematic theology demonstrating how his verse-by-verse exhibits naturally develop into a strong and colorful theological mosaic. This book is the theological dessert at the end of a text meal. Whatever your theological heritage, I encourage every Christian to sit under the doctrinal teaching of MacArthur and Mayhue. You will certainly come away sated with Scripture, in awe after contemplating the majesty and glory of our gracious God.
–Matthew Barrett, Tutor of Systematic Theology and Church History, Oak Hill Theological College

As a professor of theology, I can only recommend this unique work of systematic theology by MacArthur and Mayhue to my students and tell them with confidence that I agree with it from cover to cover. I particularly appreciate the dispensationalist aspects of this work and the way the authors systematically and firmly base their doctrines on the biblical text.
–Kevin D. Zuber, professor of theology, Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, Illinois; contributor to Evidence for the Rapture: A Biblical Case for Pretribulationism and The Moody Bible Commentary

Table of contents

List of hymns
List of tables

1 Introduction
2 The Word of God
3 God the Father
4 God the Son
5 God the Holy Spirit
6 Man and Sin
7 Salvation
8 Angels
9 Church
10 The future

Appendix: The progression of revelation
Basic glossary
General bibliography
About the editors
Final hymn for reflection
Subject index
Index of biblical references < / p>


Original title : Biblical Doctrine
Publisher : Impact
Authors : John MacArthur, Richard Mayhue
Publication : September 2018
Dimensions : 26 x 18 cm
Pages : 1112
ISBN : 978 -2-89082-325-9
Format : bound
Weight : 1.66 kg

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Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Hélène Thibeault

Très utile et plus facile à comprendre pour une de mes mentorées. Je fais une sorte de combinaison avec celle de Grudem.

Nansen Alexandre

Le vrai chrétien désireux de comprendre et de pratiquer une vie évangélique en profondeur, doit lire ce livre et il est un ouvrage précieux pour tout prédicateur.

Étonnant e profond !

Cet ouvrage de référence ne fait pas que développer et expliquer les doctrines bibliques mais nous donne des pistes de réflexions spirituelles et des outils pratiques pour notre croissance spirituelle.

Très édifiant!!!

Les thèmes sont bien développés!!

Micheline Thériault
Théologie Systématique de John MacArhur et Richard Mayhue

Je m'occupe de la table de livres de mon église. Plusieurs ont acheté ce livre et je n'ai reçu que de bons commentaires. Mon mari l'a beaucoup apprécié.