<transcy>All Things New (Toutes choses nouvelles)</transcy>
The young Christian has just had a wonderful experience - the new birth! Everything is new, but often everything is strange. There are many things he does not know, and he has not yet realized all the wonders of salvation he has received from God. This book is a beautiful tool to discover all that belongs to him in Jesus Christ and to learn how to show his budding love for this great Lord and how he can serve him.
Peter Jeffery (1937-2017) - Welsh by origin, he pastored several churches in England and Wales until his retirement, before pursuing a pastoral ministry through the printed page and through conferences .
Table of contents
1 You became a Christian
2 You were a lost sinner
3 How did you become a Christian?
4 If you are a Christian
5 You passed by conversion
6 You have been born again
7 You are saved
8 You are forgiven
9 You are reconciled
10 You have been justified
11 By means of faith
12 You are united with Christ
13 You can be assured of salvation
14 You cannot lose your salvation
15 The work of the Holy Spirit
16 Belonging to a church
17 The worship of God
18 Listening to the preaching of the Word of God
19 The Last Supper
20 Baptism
21 Christian life
22 L Bible study
23 Prayer
24 Testimony
25 Obedience to God
26 Temptation and trials
27 The devil
28 Communion with God
Original title : All things new
Author : Peter Jeffery
Publisher: Europresse
Pages : 120
Weight : 164 g
Publication : 2009
Dimensions : 5.5 "x 8.5"
ISBN : 978-2-914562-53-9
Format : paperback