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Rapport de fin d'année 2019

Year-end report 2019

One of the challenges of annual reporting is its very nature: productivity and growth are measured with numbers. However, we know that it is almost impossible to quantify spiritual growth, discipleship, and sanctification. So, as you read, keep in mind that we do not evaluate our ministry by numbers only , but by our desire to witness the wonderful fruits that are produced as the people of God grow in their knowledge and love for Jesus.

Our goal is simple: to equip the French-speaking Church in the full knowledge and in the application of the gospel of Jesus Christ . There is so much going on in French-speaking churches around the world, and it makes us humble to see that the Lord allows us to work behind the scenes to support, through literature, the work of hundreds of churches and ministries. Please join us in thanking God for allowing us to be part of his work.

This year, Douglas Virgint (our former managing director) passed the baton to Serge Côté . This transition, which we will talk about more later in this report, comes with new challenges and aspirations to do more for the Francophonie.



Much like the year 2018 , the year 2019 has been filled with blessings for the edition. We have consolidated our partnerships with several ministries and we have been able to translate more books for use in local churches.

Behind every purchase is someone who has purchased a book to help them better understand a complicated Bible concept, study a book of the Bible, walk toward a life of godliness, or to share the gospel with a friend. Please pray with us that these books will continue to be used as instruments in the hands of the Redeemer.

We have published and re-edited a lot of books this year. Here are some numbers:

  • 19 books from Impact Editions
  • 3 Inheritance Impact books
  • 4 books from Éditions La Rochelle
  • 8 books from Éditions Cruciforme
  • 2 books from Éditions Europresse


We published 4 books from 9Marks this year. We're happy to see that Being a member of a local church is one of our top sellers of 2019. A number More and more churches are taking ecclesiology seriously by using these books to enhance their theological understanding of the Church. We are in the process of translating 2 other books in the Building Healthy Churches series that we will publish in 2020.

Last May, 8 pastors from Quebec participated in an intensive 9Marks training in Washington, USA. These men spent 10 days reading, writing dissertations and reflecting on the ecclesiological issues that characterize the churches of Quebec and France. Our partnership with 9Marks enabled these men to obtain a scholarship to cover the costs of their stay in the capital of the United States. In March 2020, 13 people will attend this same training on ecclesiology.

Desiring God

On October 2, 2019, Publications Chrétiennes hosted its first book launch in Paris About 200 pastors and leaders gathered to attend the launch of Worship and Preaching by John Piper. To celebrate the occasion, we gave each participant 1 copy of the book in addition to 3 other books written by trusted authors. You can watch the video of the event here .

The launch of Worship and preaching was also an opportunity to give copies to several faculties of theology in Quebec and in France, at conferences and ministries in Africa and Haiti. In total, we have donated almost 3000 copies of this book.

We have other projects planned with Desiring God Ministries which aim to distribute more and more biblical resources in the Francophonie.

Biblical counseling

Christian Publications is working on the translation of books that will be used for training in Bible counseling. Matthieu Caron started teaching at the Institut biblique de Genève, and he uses the books we have translated in his lessons. It is a great encouragement to us to know that we are helping restore Christ in counseling and counseling in the church.


Ligonier held its first conference in Canada in November. At this event, I had the chance to be part of a panel and to discuss the ministry of Christian Publications in Canada. In addition, Chris Larson announced Ligonier's intentions to invest in the Francophonie. A French Ligonier blog will soon be launched with content published and shared regularly.

Next year we will be publishing one of RC Sproul's most important books, The Holiness of God ( The Holiness of God ).

We are very encouraged by our partnership with Ligonier, and we will have more news for you in the coming months.

Return to the Gospel

Our blog had a great year in 2019. The number of visits is increasing every month (we currently have 30,000 visits per month). Still, we still have a long way to go. We translate the content of Ask Pastor John ( Pastor John answers ) and Solid Joy (Unwavering Joy) of Desiring God. This year, we have reached the 100 episodes mark of Pastor John answers .

We are grateful for the influence this blog has on its visitors and for their loyalty. We are especially grateful for those who read our blog and who live in places where access to good quality Christian resources is difficult. This is one of the main reasons we created this blog.

Schedule for Sunday school

Last September, 25 churches started using the French translation of Gospel Project Sunday School Curriculum . The Projet Évangile is a three-year program which is aimed at 3 age groups and which will bring the child to browse the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.

The Gospel Project will help you teach children to:

  • See the great story of the Bible: children will understand that the Bible is not a collection of stories, but one great story about God and of his plan to save us
  • Reading the Scriptures with a Christ-Centered Focus: Facilitator's Guide and Activities Provide a Deep, Focused Bible Study Experience for All Ages on Christ.
  • Grasp Essential Christian Doctrines: The summary questions and their answers are designed to help children understand essential theological doctrines of the Christian faith. < / li>
  • Studying the Old and New Testaments: Children spend just as much time in the Old and New Testaments, learning about each other's main distinctions and how they fit together.

Over the next two and a half years, we will continue to translate the program and make a new section available every quarter. If you would like more information on this Sunday school program, visit .

A call

Would you be ready to give monthly $ 50, $ 100, or an amount that the Lord will put to your heart to help us equip the French-speaking Church with biblical resources in its own language?

We cannot accomplish this work without your help . Your support will have a long-term influence and impact in the Francophonie.

During our celebration of the 60th anniversary of Publications Chrétiennes, Serge Côté shared our vision to raise $ 100,000 to support the growth and activities of our ministry. We want to publish more books, offer more free content on our blog, and give more resources to pastors working in the Third World. Your support will allow us to do all of this. Please click here to make your donation.

Your friendship and support is a great encouragement to us.

With a lot of gratitude ,

Daniel Henderson
Strategic Director // Christian Publications
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