What should it involve for a Christian to a church?
If Jesus instituted the local Church by endowing it with authority over us, then we cannot join it as to a club or to a voluntary association; we submit to his authority as we do in governments Church and government both represent the authority of Jesus, albeit in different ways. Even pastors and Church leaders must submit to the Church in this way. The Church must also confirm their citizenship, through Holy Communion.
Please understand me. From the perspective of a non-Christian, a local church is just a voluntary association. No one needs to become a member. From a Christian's point of view, however, things are different. Once you choose Christ, you must choose his people at the same time. This is a global offer. Choose the Father and the Son, and you have to choose the whole family, which is done by joining to a local Church. P >
Also, the way the Church exercises the authority that Christ has given her is very different from that of the State. "Jesus called them, and said: Ye know that the rulers of the nations are tyrannical over them, and that the great shall serve them" ( Mt 20.25 ). Jesus goes on to say that Christian authority is manifested in the gift of his life for his neighbor, as he himself did for us (vv. 26-28). Christian authority is also manifested in the transforming meekness and power of the Word and the Spirit, not by force or compulsion.
Jesus wants Christians to willingly give themselves (submit) to a local church.
To find out more, I encourage you to read the book Be a member of a Local Church by Jonathan Leeman